Recycled Karma Rock Tees Mesh Blend Leather Blend Suede Blend

Size Xsmall Small Medium Large
Style ElvisSunRecordsRed SteveMiller CoorsLight Fireball TequilaCrop CowgirlRodeoBabyTee AC/DC Back in Black BlackSabbath Coors rodeo MillerLite KissTrigger AC/DC Have a Drink AerosmithBackintheSaddle

 Recycled Karma Brands is a vintage and classic inspired brand designed in Los Angeles with a portfolio of top licenses that include: AC/DC, David Bowie,
Pink Floyd, KISS, Def Leppard, Blondie, NASA, Woodstock and so many more.
Our collection of tee’s are elevated with specialty washes and a distressed hand-
worn look making them soft and super luxe. At Recycled Karma Brands,
our aesthetic is uniquely our own. 

Note: Fireball is embellished with crystals